Hi, I'm Torrey. Welcome to Left Field, where creativity runs amok and imagination is ALWAYS more important than knowledge. Shoes are not allowed but ties are optional. This is a repository of snippets from my life out here in Left Field. One never knows what shiny bits of creativity will be found here... cards, scrapbook layouts, photography, poetry, recipes, ponderings, rantings and musings. It could be anything! Life in Left Field is always changing, always real, always ...interesting.

July 9, 2010

General ramblings about this blog

Hmmmm, where to start...

The birth of Left Field Studio...One day (a few years back) I was showing the folks at Memory Makers Magazine (may it rest in peace) a layout I had just created. One by one I pulled them into the bathroom, shut the door and turned off the lights. Ok, I know this just sounds bad...but that is the BEST way to view this particular layout--in total darkness. See, just about everything on this layout glows in the dark; the title, the journaling, the stitching (yes, they make glow-in-the-dark thread)--even the little fireflies (which are made from LED lights) blink on and off. It is quite an experience to see it in action. Here is that fateful layout.

That's when Nick shook his head and declared "Torrey, I'm gonna call you 'left field' from now on because that's where you are--out in left field." I must admit that made me giggle (and very proud). Thanks Nick.

So I aspire to live up to my uniquely quirky moniker in my creating. I'm not afraid to try anything. I love 'sperimenting. So this blog will be the repository for MY art--the fruits of my muses so to speak. Cards, layouts, poems, photographs...even recipes might find their way here, because one never knows what treasures will be found out here in left field.

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